5 out Drive and Space Offense
Today, on the Baskipedia Podcast I went live inside our Dribble Drive Motion HoopTalk Facebook Group and the System Basketball YouTube Channel to discuss with Coach Tyler Lindsey the 5 out Drive and Space Offense he uses.
We discussed how he uses it and how he has taken concepts from Mark Cascio, Doug Novak, Mike Neighbors. We touch on having some automatics because he could not purely just play off concepts like Coach Novak and Cascio primarily do.
If you were unable to listen to us live you can watch the podcast on YouTube. This one is a video one because he did a small presentation with a slide presentation with diagrams to follow along with his thoughts.
If you like the Dribble Drive Motion Offense, Drive and Space, and 5 out Offense we have some great clinics, playbooks available on System Basketball you might enjoy:
Dribble Drive Motion A to Z Course
Doug Novak Drive and Space Offense
Marc Hart 5 out Dribble Drive Motion Offense
Paul Thomas St. Mary’s Read and React Offense
Kyle Diemer 5 out Modern Offense
John Leonzo Dribble Drive Motion Offense
These clinics are available inside the System Basketball Membership Club as well for $9.99 a month or $99 dollars a year. You will get access to the above clinics as well as over 100 more.
Davidson Bob McKillop Playbook
System Basketball Clinics will be resuming next Sunday, August 29th with Lason Perkins discussing the Euro Ball Screen Offense. Registration link will be sent out early next week.
Good Luck Coaches,
Marc Hart -System Basketball
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